Saturday, March 19, 2011

Straight from the Moon

The Super Moon appeared tonight,
It was much closer to sight (28,000 km to be precise).
Go near a window, take a look,
It was a brighter and bigger delight.

There is too much of moon right now in my life. Due to total lack of work and me being entirely free right now I had an opportunity to enter into a great discussion with my friends. The topic was
 “If Sun stop to exist after what duration on Earth its effects can be seen, regarding gravitational pull and all”.

One silly answer I got was “hey buddy,whenever sunlight is gone ,sun is gone, that’s when you notice it!!”. Ha-ha Pretty Cool You Einstein”. I replied, but that’s not fulfilling. I am searching for something more.
So let’s take out sunlight as a factor and assume that the whole event takes place on a mysterious night under the blanket of darkness. And then the discussion began, and an overall accepted answer was described on the basis of String theory. It says “considering the speed of gravity equal to the speed of light, the effects would be noticed after somewhat approximately 8 minutes (Yes it’s the same time what sunrays takes to reach the earth) and hence thereafter earth continues to move on tangentially leaving its circular path.
I also watched a video regarding this at a website, here’s the link.

So ,that’s what conclusion we draw, but we got stucked somewhere else (you know when open thinking starts no-one is ever satisfied, and one thing leads to other ).Now our problem was if Sun vanishes and after 8 minutes it is observed on Earth, would there be any personal experience felt at an individual, personal level? I mean for a boy going to school, for a women cooking food, for a batsman hitting the ball. Are they going to observe anything at all??

Some suggested me NO, not at all. 
Some said YES, for sure, “a jerk would be felt like hitch or twitch”. 
But I didn’t get any satisfying answer, still searching. It’s my request to my readers to share your thoughts regarding this.

Ok enough of moon now, moving on, changing topic, getting off-track, surfing through this meta-organism called Internet which is growing daily at a tremendous pace , every now and then, I discover fascinating things. The creator of the Million Dollar homepage, Alex Tew, has now developed a website called do-nothing-for-two-minutes. He says “we spend every waking minute of the day with access to an unlimited supply of information, to the point of information overload” So, he designed a website where you can take rest, get off the hook, relieve you stress. Pretty nice idea!!
ok so.. enough for now then

Good bye.

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